Megan Turner-Cabrera, PsyD

Associate Director, Counseling & Psychological Services


Licensed Psychologist, State of California (PSY29534)

Perinatal Mental Health Certification (PMH-C)

First day of work at San José State University

August 7, 2017

How did you get here? 

Honestly? Trusting myself that I could do this and continuing to push through challenges that I didn't perceive as roadblocks, but maybe as detours. I was told I would never make it in college as a first generation college student and didn't have much guidance academically growing up. Being the first of your whole family including extended family to go to college was overwhelming, but I just knew I wanted to help people and it was important to remember on this journey. Being a fellow alum of the CSU system at SF State, being back in the Bay Area where my love for psychology was important to me when it came down to finding a landing spot. I wanted to give back to the community that taught me so much about myself. 

Who were your role models or mentors?

My professor at SF State, Zoe Martell. She was the reason I applied to the Psy.D. programs and saw that your career and morph and change throughout and that's not only okay, but what helps fuel your creativity. She is the reasons I am able to leap and I thank my lucky stars I took her class every day.

Also my Law and Ethics professor from my doctorate program, Arthur Kovacs. He always took the time to get to know his students on a personal level and it was very refreshing to have someone who was so invested in the whole person while being in school. It reminds me of how I need to approach helping our students at 菠菜网lol正规平台. We are well rounded individuals with many things going on, he never lost sight of that. 

What are your tips for getting started in this field?

Volunteer! Paid jobs in these entry level positions are hard to come by so getting your foot in the door working with as many different folx as possible is important. Making connections and keeping them is key. You never know who you could meet. 

What are your most important habit(s) or resource(s) for staying well?

Being my own advocate and checking in with myself. If there is anything I have learned the past couple of years it's to slow down and assess situations. It's so easy to be reactive, but it doesn't serve me in the long run. Protecting my peace and what serves me is how I am going to maintain doing this work long term. 

Academic Training:

Psy.D in Clinical Psychology at California School of Professional Psychology (2016)


  • Postdoctoral Fellowship at State Center Community College District (2016-2017)
  • Predoctoral Internship at San Diego State University (2015- 2016) 

Professional Affiliations:

  • Postpartum Support International 

Areas of Special Interests:

  • Substance Use, Sexual Assault, and Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence Advocacy
  • Perinatal Mental Health

Theoretical Orientation:

  • Integrative - psychodynamic
  • Developmental
  • Strength based
  • Creative arts therapy
  • Motivational interviewing